Michael Henehan

Postdoctoral Researcher, GFZ Helmholtz Centre Potsdam

Expertise: Geochemistry, Reconstructing past atmospheric CO2 levels, Paleoclimate



 hypothesis  Orcid ID

hypothesis   Hypothesis handle: michaelhenehan

Qualifying publication(s): see criteria

publication   http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/2014GC0


Breitbart article baselessly claims a study of past climate invalidates human-caused climate change

in Breitbart, by John Nolte

— 11 Apr 2019

"By the reasoning of this article, if a rock rolled down a hill three million years ago, no human can be responsible for rolling a rock down a hill today. The fallaciousness of thi..

CNN accurately covers latest IPCC report

in CNN, by Brandon Miller

— 19 Jan 2019

This CNN story covered the October release of the IPCC's "Global Warming of 1.5 °C" report. The report, which was requested by governments during the 2015 Paris Agreement negotiat...

Business Insider highlights health impacts of climate change, but some aspects are misleading

in Business Insider, by Kevin Loria

— 15 May 2018

"The article draws attention to the high CO2 at present and the health risks of climate change, but it gives the incorrect impression that breathing CO2 directly is a major cause o..

The Independent makes a giant leap in stating that modern global warming could be “worse than thought” based on a single study

in The Independent, by Andrew Griffin

— 01 Nov 2017

"The article reports on a paper which suggests there may be complications with ONE method we use to determine past ocean temperature. Notwithstanding possible flaws in the methods ..

The Daily Wire makes wild claims about climate change based on no evidence

in The Daily Wire, by Joseph Curl

— 09 May 2017

"The article contains little to no rational treatment of observational data, but relies on heavily biased secondhand interpretation... Even the title is based on a lie. There is no..

Analysis of “Record-breaking climate change pushes world into ‘uncharted territory’”

in The Guardian, by Damian Carrington

— 22 Mar 2017

"The article clearly and concisely documents some of 2016's climate extremes and puts them in the context of the warming trend.

Analysis of “U.S. scientists officially declare 2016 the hottest year on record. That makes three in a row.”

in The Washington Post, by Chris Mooney

— 19 Jan 2017

"The article accurately conveys the US agencies' declaration of 2016 as the hottest year on record. It provides some good background material on why the agencies' numbers differ sl..

Analysis of “What we’re doing to the Earth has no parallel in 66 million years, scientists say”

in The Washington Post, by Chris Mooney

— 23 Mar 2016

"It sadly implies that even the PETM, a massive warm climatic excursion, might not be harsh enough to represent an analogue for future climate change, as the Washington Post rightf..

Analysis of “The Point of No Return: Climate Change Nightmares Are Already Here”

in Rolling Stone, by Eric Holthaus

— 12 Aug 2015

"The article rightly communicates the urgency and seriousness of human-induced climate change, [...] However, by the title, subtitle, and overall framing, it is likely to give an i..


CO2 emissions from human activities have imbalanced the atmospheric carbon budget, significantly contributing to climate change, contrary to online claim

Less than 5% of carbon dioxide emissions are produced by man [... they] can’t cause 30% of today’s atmospheric carbon dioxide

SOURCE: I&I Editorial Board, Issues & Insights

Published: 11 Feb 2020


Facebook meme incorrectly claims past climate variations contradict human influence on current climate

The idea that 'climate change' is new or is caused by Humans is nonsense.

SOURCE: Anonymous, Facebook

Published: 13 Jan 2020


It’s true that the current carbon dioxide level is higher than any time in human existence

the concentration of carbon dioxide in Earth’s atmosphere has climbed to a level last seen more than 3 million years ago — before humans even appeared on the rocky ball we call home

SOURCE: Denise Chow, NBC News

Published: 18 May 2019


In popular video, Dan Peña falsely claims humans aren’t causing climate change

Fifty-five thousand years ago the whole world was 2°C warmer than it is today[...] It's all cyclical; [human-caused greenhouse gas emissions are] not a fart in the wind. Sea level rise is not going to happen.

SOURCE: Dan Peña, "Ivanka_Trump" Facebook account

Published: 07 May 2019


EPA’s Scott Pruitt incorrectly suggests climate change might not be “a bad thing”

We know that humans have most flourished during times of, what, warming trends. I think there are assumptions made that because the climate is warming, that that is necessarily a bad thing.

SOURCE: Scott Pruitt, KSNV NBC Las Vegas

Published: 09 Feb 2018